Water Tap Fees. No person except the District's Operator or his authorized agent shall be permitted to tap or make any connection to the mains or distribution piping of the District's water system unless otherwise specified by the Board of Directors of the District. The cost for a service line tap into the District's water system shall be:
Plumbing Policy. Macedonia-Eylau Municipal Utility District hereby adopts by reference as the District’s plumbing code the International Plumbing Code 2009, a nationally recognized set of rules governing plumbing practices. Water Connection to the District’s System.
For new construction a copy of the septic tank permit must be submitted to the District before any connection to the public water system is made. Private Water Wells
Texas drinking-water regulations state that an approved public water supply may not be connected to an unapproved supply, such as a private well. Such a hookup is considered an illegal cross connection. Therefore, a residence may receive water from a private well or from a public water supply — but not from both.
A private well may be used for filling a swimming pool, or watering the yard, while public water is used for the residence, as long as the two sets of water pipes are not connected anywhere. Cross connections expose the public water supply to potential contamination. A drop in the pressure in the public water main, or high water pressure in the house (from a pressure storage tank for the well), can cause water from the household pipes to siphon back into the public water main. If the private well is contaminated, the contaminated water can enter the public water supply in this way. The private well owner would be liable for the cost of correcting the contamination in the public water supply. If your property is being served by a private well and you wish to connect to the public water system, there must be an air gap of no less than 12 inches between the water pipes containing public water and the well water pipes. Before the District water meter will be unlocked, the customer must provide proof of a customer service inspection conducted by a licensed customer service inspector. A list of licensed customer service inspectors can be downloaded from the Forms page of this website. |
Macedonia-Eylau Municipal Utility District 701 S. Kings Hwy., Texarkana, TX 75501 903-832-1691 [email protected] |
Macedonia-Eylau municipal utility district |